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Tax Tips

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Tax Savings for Non-Itemizers
Can't itemize? There are still tax breaks for you
If you own a home you probably itemize your deductions on your tax return. But what if you do not itemize? Can someone using the standard deduction still get a tax break?
Published: 10/30/2020
Category: Deductions
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To Amend or Not Amend?
Is it always a good idea to amend your tax return if you find an error?
Oops! You find an error or omission on last year's tax return. What should you do? Is it always a good idea to file an amended tax return? Here are some things to consider.
Published: 10/23/2020
Category: The Audit
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Reminder: Third Quarter Estimated Taxes Due
Now is the time to make your estimated tax payment
If you have not already done so, please plan to make your second quarter estimated tax payment. The due date is Tuesday, September 15th.
Published: 09/11/2020
Category: Planning
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Tax Shifting Ideas to Reduce Your Bill to Uncle Sam
Is there a taxable income reduction idea you can use?
Because our tax system is progressive, the next dollar you earn could be taxed at a much higher rate. By shifting taxable income levels from one year to the next, you could potentially pay a lower tax amount in both. Here are six great ideas.
Published: 09/04/2020
Category: Planning
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Understanding Tax Terms: Head of Household
The head of household filing status is often misunderstood and overlooked. The IRS provides three requirements that need to be met in order to claim. Does it make sense for you?
Published: 11/23/2018
Category: Deductions
IRS Releases Key 2019 Tax Information
Looking to plan ahead? Here are initial figures from the IRS regarding the upcoming, 2019 tax year.
Published: 11/16/2018
Category: What's New